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Junior Trader + is where we really engage with students’ career paths, and try and open doors in the City for young financiers. There are notional costs to different elements, subsidised by our Sponsors in cases that are merited by scholarship or personal ccicumstances.

Ranging from a further study course to private Institutional Visits and career insights, we try and match you with the right career path and mentor your application process so that you are effective.

JT+ Study Course

JT+ Study Course

JT+ is the first step of your commitment to working in the City. It is an individual exercise that is assessed and graded either Pass, Merit or Distinction. All levels counting towards a new DofE Gold Skill – “Share Trading”.

The 8 week programme is a self learning exercise with a mid-term formative feedback assessment. Contact us now to register

It is designed to help you speak and understand the language of Investment Banking at an early age so that you can start planing the building blocks on your CV and online profile and conduct yourself with authenticity in an interview. Suitable for all JT alumni or undergraduates applying for a career in finance.

Suitable for year 12/13 JT alumni

Cost £200 (bursaries and scholarships available)

City Visits

Private City visits combine our walking lecture introduction to finance, with a behind the scenes session with one of our Sponsor institutions, who will welcome our group into their office for a early stage career talk with their HR department lead, a networking event with their current graduates and a walk-through their live dealing floor.

These opportunities are very limited right now, so please add your school to our waitlist so that we can match you with a Sponsor.

Career Coaching

We have two levels of 1:2:1 career coaching within JT+.

Firstly you must have completed our JT+ module so we have some feedback to review as a base. Then, with the benefit of a personality and resilience test result to have a minute discussion with you about career options.

Further sessions are then available to help you apply for internships and assessment centres.

The cost of the further 1:2:1 coaching depends on your circumstances and the financial sponsorship we are able to reinvest in your career

Stock Soc

Click to download our free guide to having “Stoc Soc” as part of your school’s extra curricular program. It is designed to be led by Y12/13 to engage Y9-11 with financial markets.

Partner Institutions

Large Financial Institutions rarely offer the work experience to students under 18 due to safeguarding. It is a shame because this valuable experience used to spawn many careers. Through the structured approach offered by Junior Trader, Partner Institutions can offer unique behind the scenes experiences for the Junior Trader Alumni, and play a part in improving diversity and accessibility in the city. Please contact us to play your part in bringing diversity to the City and opening your doors to enthusiastic students!

Speaker and Judge opportunities

As JT grows, we require more inspirational speakers who have had City careers to go into schools and deliver our programme alongside telling your own story. This is your opportunity to tackle diversity, give back to your old school and inspire the next generation.

Click to get involved